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F.1      Collier

Getting and filling coal on to conveyor or into trams; getting and filling coal, setting necessary supports, on either machine cut or hand got faces; hewing coal by hand got methods; engaged on stall work and responsible for taking forward rippings, etc., carrying out any operation in connection with a mechanised heading or long-wall face; hewing coal with pneumatic picks; driving a close place or opening out on pick work in coal; developing headings in coal; preparatory to opening out stalls; filling coal into trams in hand filled and drawn; filling coal on face.


F.2      Assistant Collier       

Assists collier on stall heading work and conveyor faces.


F.3      Ripper           

Ripping or brushing roadways to make height, erecting supports; building roadside packs; boring shotholes for bringing down roof; dinting roadways. Getting, loading and timbering; getting coal by hand.


F.4    Airway Repairer       

Maintaining airways in proper state of repair to ensure proper ventilation in pit.


F.5      Packer           

Building packs on longwall face or strip packer.


F.6      Timberer       

Setting or changing supports on face; timbering in front of or behind coal cutter.


F.7      Wasteman    

Withdrawing and recovering supports from waste and/or building packs, chocks, etc, in waste gob or goaf.


F.8      Coal Cutterman        

Leading man in coal cutting team; operating and/or flitting coal cutting machine.


F.9      Coal Cutter Assistant           

Assisting coal cutter operator immediately behind the machine; working under the direction of leading coal cutterman.


F.10    Coal Cutter Mover    

Moving, spinning or turning cutting machine.


F.11    Tracker          

Preparing tracks for coal cutting machine, preparing face for coal cutting operations, cleaning up the cutter tracks in front of coal cutter.


F.12    Gummer

Cleaning out cuttings, cleaning up gummings, cleaning up holings, and inserting gibs or nogs.


F.13    Slusher Operator      

Operating mechanical slusher for loading dirt or ripping; scouring drifting gobs or coal heading.


F.14    Borer 

Drilling shot holes for blaster or bursting, or water infusion in coal or stone.


F.15    Exploratory Borer     

Exploratory boring.


F.16    Gas Emission Borer

Boring holes for the purpose of releasing gas from strata.


F.17    Burster           

Operating hydraulic burster.


F.18    Conveyor Loader

Loading coal delivered by conveyors into tubs at loading points.


F.19    Conveyor Plough


Cleaning out spillage ploughed off return belt where open type structure is used; cleaning out tension-end of face belt, putting coal so obtained on to belt.


F.20    Conveyor Mover

Dismantling and re-erecting a face conveyor in new position.


F.21    Conveyor Operator  

Operating controls of the face conveyors; operating starting switch and cleaning debris from gearheads and gate conveyor receiving end.


F.22    Face Haulage

Haulage by pony or mechanical means at the face.


F.23    Trammer

Pushing tubs by hand from collier to pass-by.


F.24    Supplies Transporter

Supplying materials, supports, plant, etc, along the face.


F.25    Hooker On

Attaching or detaching tubs to or from haulage rope at the face by lashing chains, clips, shackles, etc,


F.26    Shuttle Car Driver    

Driving shuttle car; in charge of shuttle cars conveying coal, etc.


F.27    Shuttle Car Attendant

Loading coal on to a shuttle car.


F.28       Water Infusion Man           

Responsible for apparatus and infusion of water at face.


F.29    Compressor Attendant

In charge of inbye portable compressor at the face.


F.30    Fanman         

In charge of ventilating fan at the face.       


F.31    Steel Supports   



Straightening steel props and bars with straightening machine at the face.


F.32    Pipe Shifter   

Maintaining and extending pipe ranges at the face; dismantling and erecting in new position compressed air and/or water pipes at the face.


F.33    General Worker        

Performing work of a semi-skilled character which can be done only by a worker who has acquired the degree of skill necessary for the particular job either by training or experience.


F.34    General Worker        

Performing work of a general character (unskilled) which can be done by any worker without special skill or experience for the particular job undertaken.


F.35    Timber Cutter           

Preparing timber for cog making; cutting props the length required on conveyor face.


F.36    Trainee Supervisor  

Person appointed under the training regulations to supervise and instruct at the face new recruits in coalface operations.


F.37    Supports Checker    

Checking supplies of supports to face; checking supplies and recovery of supports; checking bars and coal props on a face to avoid loss.


F.38    Coal Inspector          

Supervising the filling of coal to avoid unnecessary dirt being filled with the coal.


F.39    Fitter  

Competent fitter qualified by experience of training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on maintenance, repair, construction, assembly or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment.          


F.40    Fitter (semi-skilled)  

Semi-skilled fitter engaged on minor working repairs and maintenance of mechanical appliances or equipment, either with or without supervision.


F.41      Electrician   

Competent electrician qualified by experience or training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the installation, maintenance and repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.


F.42      Electro Mechanic   

Competent electrician and competent fitter qualified by training, engaged on the combined duties of maintenance, repair, construction or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment, repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.



E.100  Ripper           

Enlarging roadways by taking top and/or bottom caunches; boring shotholes for bringing down roof or blowing floor, trimming of roof and sides, clearing rubbish and erecting roof supports.


E.101  Driller 

Drilling holes for blasting or bursting.


E.102  Gas Emission Borer

Boring holes in strata to release gas.


E.103  Exploratory Borer 

Exploratory boring.   


E.104  Man-hole Maker

Person engaged in making refuge holes. 


E.105  Sinker

Shaft sinking; sinking of shafts for coal and man winding, pumps, etc; shaft sinking or deepening; sinking staple shafts.


E.106  Hard Ground Man    

Driving hard headings or stone drifts.


E.107  Slusher Operator        

Operating mechanical slusher for loading dirt on ripping; scouring drifting gobs or coal heading.


E.108  Loaderman   

Filling tubs, trams or mine cars at loading point.


E.109  Conveyor Transfer         

Cleaning up and generally looking after all transfer points on conveyors.


E.110  Belt Patrol     

Patrolling and inspecting to ensure safe running of conveyor.


E.111  Rope Changer           

Marshalling coupling and uncoupling trams or tubs and changing ropes from one journey to another on partings, pass-byes and shunts.


E.112  Clipper          

Attaching or detaching tubs or trams to endless ropes.


E.113  Shackler        

Coupling or uncoupling trams by means of shackles.


E.114  Rope Runner

Accompanying sets of trams or tubs on rope haulage for purpose of changing rope or ropes at end of run.


E.115  Train Guard (Ropes)         

Accompanying man riding train on rope haulage.


E.116  Spragger       

Controlling tub and tram movement by use of sprags, lockers and scotches.


E.117  Brakesman   

Controlling haulage rope on self acting incline.


E.118  Squeezer Operator        

Operating squeezer to control movement of tubs or trams.


E.119  Haulage Hand           

Operations connected with the movement of tubs and trams.


E.120  Horse Driver 

In charge of horse or pony on horse haulage; in charge of horse hauling tubs.


E.121  Pony Trainer 

Training ponies.                   


E.122  Head Horsekeeper

In charge of horses underground.   


E.123  Horsekeeper

Responsible for feeding, watering and care of horses; in charge of horses and stables.


E.124  Loco Driver   

Driving underground locomotive for haulage of coal, materials, etc, including men.


E.125  Loco Driver   

Driving underground locomotive for haulage of coal, materials, etc, excluding man riding.


E.126  Loco Guard   

In charge of train drawn by locomotive for transport of coal, materials, etc, including man riding.


E.127  Loco Guard   

In charge of train drawn by locomotive for transport of coal, materials, etc, excluding man riding.


E.128  Shuttle Car Driver 

Operating or driving shuttle car.


E.129  Shuttle Car Attendant

Assisting shuttle car driver.


E.130  Shuttle Car Battery   



Maintaining and charging shuttle car batteries.


E.131  Main or Direct Engineman

             (including man riding)

Driving a direct rope haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men.


E.132  Main or Direct Engineman

             (excluding man riding)

Driving a direct rope haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam for the transport of coal, dirt and materials, excluding men.


E.133  Main and Tail Haulage

              Engineman (including

              man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to two or more drums for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men.


E.134  Main and Tail Haulage

             Engineman (excluding

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to two or more drums for the transfer of coal, dirt and materials, excluding men.         


E.135  Endless Rope Haulage

             Engineman (including

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam, and transmitting power to an endless haulage rope by means of a surge wheel for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men.


E.136  Endless Rope Haulage

             Engineman (excluding

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam, and transmitting power to an endless haulage rope by means of a surge wheel for the transfer of coal, dirt and materials, excluding men.


E.137  Staple Pit Winder           

Operating underground winding engines in staple pits.


E.138  Winder (Shaft Deepening)

Driving underground winding engine for shaft deepening.


E.139  Incline Winder           

Operating winding engine to haul a carriage on which trams or tubs are loaded, to transport men and materials to a number of levels.


E.140  Road Layer   

Laying and maintaining tram or tub rail and tracks.


E.141  Loco Road Layer 

Laying and maintaining tracks used by locomotives.


E.142  Rollerman      

Installing and maintaining rollers: pulleys and sheaves on haulage roads


E.143  Conveyor Operator        

Operating controls of conveyor; operating starting switch and cleaning debris from gear heads and/or tension end.


E.144  Supplies Transporter

Engaged on the supplying and handling of materials, supports, plant, etc; to and from sections of the pit excluding normal haulage operations.


E.145  Salvage Man

Recovering supports and equipment from abandoned roads.


E.146  Waterman                 

Keeping water courses clear.         


E.147  Main Pump Attendant

In charge of main installation of underground pumps.


E.148  Subsidiary Pump



In charge of underground pump or pumps.


E.149  General Worker (semi-


Performing work of a semi-skilled character which can be done only by a worker who has acquired the degree of skill necessary for the particular job either by training or experience.


E.150  General Worker


Performing work of a general character which can be done by any worker without special skill or experience for the particular job undertaken.


E.151  Sumper         

Cleaning sumps and water lodgements and attending to suctions.


E.152  First Aid Attendant       

Person primarily engaged on first aid duties.


E.153  Compressed Air Inspector

Testing air flows, meter readings, checking and reporting on compressed air leakages, etc.


E.154  Compressor Attendant       

In charge of underground compressors; operating and maintaining portable compressors; attending to running of compressor motors.


E.155  Fanman                     

Attending to underground booster fan; combined duties of attending to fan and other work.


E.156  Auxiliary Fanman                     

Attending to Underground Auxiliary Fan.


E.157  Fire Prevention Man                    

In charge of underground fire fighting equipment and general supervision of fire fighting apparatus underground.


E.158  Dust Sampler           

Taking samples of roadway and/or air dust for statutory analysis and records.


E.159  Onsetter        

Responsible for control of pit bottom or intermediate landings and signalling cages for men and materials.


E.160  Onsetter's Assistant       

Assisting onsetter; in charge of additional deck where multi-deck winding is carried on, and responsible for giving auxiliary signals to onsetter.


E.161  Catch Knocker                     

Operating cage catches at pit bottom or intermediate landings.


E.162  Cage Hands             

Assisting in loading on to or drawing off from the cage at the pit bottom or intermediate landings.


E.163  Bridge Operator                    

Operating bridge connecting cage with the shaft sidings at pit bottom or intermediate landings.


E.164  Staple Pit Onsetter        

Responsible for control of staple pit bottom and signalling cages for men and materials.


E.165  Staple Pit Onsetter's



Generally assisting staple pit onsetter and responsible for giving auxiliary signals to onsetter.


E.166  Staple Pit Catch Knocker

Operating cage catches at staple pit bottom.


E.167  Staple Pit Cage Hands

Assisting in loading on to or drawing off from cage at staple pit bottom.


E.168  Staple Pit Banksman

Responsible for control of staple pit top and signalling for cages for coal, men and materials.


E.169  Staple Pit Banksman's



Generally assisting staple pit banksman on staple pit top and responsible for giving auxiliary signals to banksman.


E.170  Staple Pit Top Catch



Operating cage switches at staple pit top.


E.171  Staple Pit Top Cage Hand

Assisting in loading on to or drawing off from the cage at staple pit top.


E.172  Fitter  

Competent fitter qualified by experience, training and apprenticeship, engaged on maintenance, repair, construction, assembly or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment.                           


E.173  Semi-skilled Fitter  

Semi-skilled fitter engaged on minor repairs and maintenance of mechanical plus extra appliances or equipment, either with or without supervision.


E.174  Electrician     

Competent electrician qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the installation, maintenance and repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.


E.175  Electro Mechanic

Competent electrician and competent fitter qualified by training, engaged on the combined duties of maintenance, repair, construction or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment, repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.


E.176  Blacksmith

General smithy work connected with plant or chains, capping and recapping of ropes, etc.


E.177  Blacksmith (semi-skilled)

Semi-skilled blacksmith engaged on general smithy work of a minor character either with or without supervision.


E.178  Shoeing Smith

Engaged on the making and/or fitting of horse shoes.


E.179  Pick Sharpener

Sharpening, grinding or tipping picks, drills or bits.


E.180  Steel Straightener

Straightening steel supports, using hand or power driven machines.


E.181  Pipeman

Maintaining and extending pipe ranges; dismantling and erecting in new position compressed air and/or water pipes.


E.182  Ropeman

Splicing, capping, maintaining and installing haulage ropes.


E.183  Conveyor Mover

Erecting, extending, dismantling and re-erecting conveyor in new position.


E.184  Mason (including



Laying bricks, stone or prefabricated blocks, building to specification and maintaining fabric.


E.185  Carpenter (including

             joiner and wheelwright)


General joinery work; making woodwork of all kinds.

E.186  Semi-skilled Carpenter

             (including semi-skilled

             joiner & wheelwright)


Capable of only undertaking and engaged upon rough types of joinery work.

E.187  Shaftsman

Examining, maintaining and repairing shafts and shaft fittings.


E.188  Shaftman's Assistant

Assisting shaftsman in shaft repairs and maintenance; work of a general semi-skilled nature.



S.200  Winding Engineman

Operating shaft winding engine for raising and lowering men, coal and materials.


S.201  Main Slant Engineman

Operating main slant or drift engine for raising and lowering men, coal and materials to and from the surface.


S.202  Slant Engineman

Operating slant or drift engine for raising or lowering coal, dirt and materials to and from the surface, excluding men.


S.203  Main or Direct Rope

             Haulage Engineman

             (including man riding)


Driving a direct rope haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men on the surface.


S.204  Main or Direct Rope

             Haulage Engineman

             (excluding man riding)


Driving a direct rope haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam for the transport of coal, dirt and materials on the surface, excluding men.


S.205  Main & Tail Haulage

              Engineman (including

              man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to two or more drums for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men.


S.206  Main & Tail Haulage

             Engineman (excluding

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to two or more drums for the transport of coal, dirt and materials on the surface, excluding men.


S.207  Endless Rope Haulage

             Engineman (including

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to an endless haulage rope by means of a surge wheel, for the transport of coal, dirt, materials and men.


S.208  Endless Rope Haulage

             Engineman (excluding

             man riding)


Driving a haulage engine operated by electricity, compressed air or steam and transmitting power to an endless haulage rope by means of a surge wheel, for the transport of coal, dirt and materials on the surface, excluding men.


S.209  Banksman                 

Responsible for control of shaft top and signalling cages for coal, men and materials.


S.210  Banksman's Assistant

Assisting banksman on pit top; in charge of additional deck where multi-deck winding is carried on and responsible for giving auxiliary signals to banksman.


S.2l1   Catch Knocker           

Operating cage catches at pit top. 


S.212  Cage Hands 

Assisting in loading on to or drawing off from the cage at shaft top.


S.213  Drift Mouth Attendant

Responsible for control of drift mouth and signalling for coal, material and men.


S.214  Tub Manipulator   

Operations connected with the movement of trams or tubs on the surface.


S.215  Rope Runner            

Accompanying sets of trams or tubs on rope haulage for purpose of changing rope or ropes at end of run.


S.216  Rope Changer           

Marshalling, coupling and uncoupling trams or tubs and changing ropes from one journey to another on partings, passbyes and shunts.


S.217  Tub Tippler Operator        

Operating coal or dirt tub tippler.    


S.218  Coal Crusher Attendant

Operating coal crushing plant.        


S.219  Screens Engineman   

Attending to motor or engine driving screens and operating screening machinery.


S.220  Screenhand  

Removing foreign matter from coal on picking belts or screens; picking dirt or various qualities of coal on picking belts or screens; hand picking of dirt from coal on picking belts or screens; breaking coal on picking belts or screens; raising and lowering jib end of screen belts in the filling of wagons.


S.221  Wagon Tippler Operator

Operating railway wagon tippler.    


S.222  Washery Operator        

Working at a washery under the direct instruction of washery foreman or chargeman in the operation of a washing plant; controlling valves and machinery and quality of coal entering and leaving washery.


S.223  Washery Attendant       

General semi-skilled duties connected with washing processes at washery under supervision of washery foreman or washery operator.


S.224  Washery Hand           

General work in washery.


S.225  Washery Pumpsman   

Operating washery pumps and/or Motorman motors.


S.226  Dry Cleaner Operator

Operating and controlling dry cleaning plant.


S.227  Dry Cleaner Hand  

General work connected with dry cleaning plant.


S.228  Coal Stower  

Loading hand picked coal into wagons by hand.


S.229  Air Cleaning Plant



Attending to air cleaning plant.       


S.230  Wagon Trimmer

Responsible for proper loading of wagons; levelling coal on wagons; examination and top trimming of coal in wagons before despatch.


S.231  Wagon Lowerer         

Controlling the lowering of railway wagons on gravity tracks.


S.232  Roadman      

Maintenance and repairs of haulage tracks on surface.


S.233  Platelayer      

Laying and maintaining railway tracks.      


S.234  Loco Driver   

Driving locomotive in and about and outside colliery premises including main line travelling and long hauls on N.C.B. private lines, hauling either men or minerals.


S.235  Colliery Loco Driver 

Driving locomotive in and about colliery premises on standard gauge track.


S.236  Narrow Gauge Loco



Driving locomotive in and about colliery premises on narrow gauge track.


S.237  Loco Fireman

Firing boilers on locomotive under supervision of loco driver.


S.238  Train Guard               

Guard on train hauled by locomotive on standard gauge track and in charge of train.


S.239  Shunter          

Marshalling traffic; coupling and uncoupling wagons and operating switches in the circulation of railway wagons on colliery surface and in the marshalling of trains in readiness for despatch.


S.240  Signalman                 

Operating railway signals on N.C.B. lines.


S.241  Loco Cleaner

Employed in loco sheds cleaning boilers; cleaning; filling sand boxes, filling boiler with water, lighting loco fires and getting up steam preparatory to loco being taken out.    


S.242  Horse Driver 

Driving horses or ponies on surface.         


S.243  Carter

General carting duties and driving horse drawn vehicle.


S.244  Horsekeeper            

Responsible for care of horses; feeding, cleaning, watering and general care of horses and stables.


S.245  Granary Attendant                   

Employed at granary preparing fodder for horses; preparing and storing food for horses.


S.246  Pump Attendant       

In charge of surface pumps; attending to efficient running and lubrication of pumps on the surface.


S.247  Dumper Driver           

Operating mechanical dumper.      


S.248  Overhead Crane Driver 

Driving power operated overhead crane. 


S.249  Stationary Crane Driver

Driving stationary power operated jib crane.


S.250  Mobile Crane Driver 

Operating self-propelled mobile crane.     


S.251  Manual Crane Operator

Operating stationary or mobile crane by means of hand wheel or hand winch.


S.252  Excavator Driver 

Operating mechanical excavator.  


S.253  Bulldozer Driver 

Operating bulldozer.


S.254  Tractor Driver           

Operating mechanical tractor.        


S.255  Road Roller Driver 

Driving road roller.


S.256  First Aid Superintendant

In charge of and responsible for First Aid Attendants and Equipment.


S.257  First Aid Room Attendant

Rendering first aid in first aid room, and maintaining equipment.


S.258  Fire Prevention                       

In charge of fire fighting on the surface; general supervision of fire fighting apparatus on the surface.



S.259  Explosives Stores



Statutorily responsible for storing, distribution to workmen and keeping records of explosives.


S.260  Hydrox Plant Attendant

Charging hydrox shells and keeping records.


S.261  Cardox Plant Attendant

Operating plant charging cardox shells; maintenance of plant, charging of shells; assisting in filling and maintaining and keeping records.


S.262  General Worker (semi-


Performing work of a semi-skilled character which can be done only by a worker who has acquired the degree of skill necessary for the particular job either by training or experience.


S.263  General Worker


Performing work of a general character which can be done by any worker without special skill or experience for the particular job undertaken.


S.264  Fencer           

Erecting and repairing fences; fencing and dyking.


S.265  Gardener       

General gardening work, including planting, hedging, fencing, etc.


S.266  Baths Attendant       

General duties in pithead baths under supervision of baths superintendent.


S.267  Watchman     

Responsible for the security of colliery premises.


S.268  Office Cleaner           

Cleaning of offices.  


S.269  Workshop Cleaner         

Cleaner of workshops, engineroom, etc.  


S.270  Landsales Attendant

Responsible for reception, loading, trimming and despatch of coal from landsales.


S.271  Borer 

Responsible for the operation of a drilling rig for exploratory boring.


S.272  Borer's Assistant

General duties under the supervision of a Borer in the operation of a drilling rig for exploratory boring.


S.273  Lampman      

Repairing, testing, cleaning and charging of electric and oil lamps including fitting of oil vessels to oil lamps.


S.274  Water Treatment Plant


Attending to water softening or hardening plant, checking hardness of water supplied to boilers and operating softening plant.


S.275  Stoker

Feeding fuel to boiler, maintaining steam pressure and water level.


S.276  Steam Accumulator



In charge of steam accumulator; in charge of accumulator which collects exhaust steam from engines for further use.


S.277  Boiler Flue Cleaner         

Cleaning out boiler flues.     


S.278  Boiler Scaler 

Removing scale from inside boiler.


S.279  Compressor Man    

Attending to air compressor plant.


S.280  Power House Attendant

Attending to generating plant and switchgear in power house.


S.281  Switchboard Operating



Attending switchgear on power distribution board.


S.282  Fanman         

Attending to running of main mine ventilating fan or fans.


S.283  Saw Sharpener     

Sharpening and setting saws.        


S.284  Sawyer          

Engaged in operating all types of power driven woodsaws and the necessary sharpening of heavy saws.


S.285  Semi-skilled Sawyer

Rough sawing of timber into various lengths by power driven and cross cut saws.


S.286  Woodcutting Machinist

Operating morticing, tenoning, planing and similar machines to produce component parts of wood.


S.287  Saddler         

Making and maintaining leather equipment.         


S.288  Cobbler         

Repairing boots and shoes.           


S.289  Painter Decorator                  

Painting and decorating old and new work, including graining, varnishing, stippling, gilding and mixing own colours.


S.290  Painter

Preparing old and new work and applying one or more simple coats of paint.


S.291  Power Linesman

Inspecting, installing and maintaining power lines.


S.292  Electrician

Competent electrician qualified by experience or training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the installation, maintenance and repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.


S.293  Electro Mechanic

Competent electrician and competent fitter qualified by training,          engaged on the combined duties of maintenance, repair, construction or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment, repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.



S.294  Electric Cable Vulcaniser

Vulcanising of electric cables.



S.295  Electric Cable Repairer

Engaged on carrying out repairs to electric cables and their conductors in the shop.



S.296  Fitter

Competent fitter qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on maintenance, repair, construction, assembly or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment.



S.297  Semi-skilled Fitter

Semi-skilled fitter engaged on minor repairs and maintenance of mechanical appliances or equipment, either with or without supervision.



S.298  Machinist

Competent worker qualified by training, experience and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the setting up and machining of metals and working to fine tolerances.



S.299  Welder

Performing all classes of acetylene or electric welding.



S.300  Butt Welder

Welding of metals using butt welding machines.



S.301  Boiler Smith

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the construction and/or repair of boilers.



S.302  Brazer

Jointing of metals using brazing compound.



S.303  Burner

Cutting metal by means of acetylene or electric burner.



S.304  Plumber

Installing and maintaining gas, hot and cold water supply and sanitary appliances.



S.305  Tinsmith

Making and repairing tinware.



S.306  Machine Tool Maker

Making tools for power operated machines, eg lathe tools, drills, cutters, reamers, etc.



S.307  Blacksmith

General smithy work including forging work connected with plant or chains, or heat treatment of drawbars and chains, or capping and recapping of ropes, etc.



S.308  Blacksmith (semi-skilled)

Semi-skilled blacksmith engaged on general smithy work of a minor character either with or without supervision.



S.309  Shoeing Smith

Engaged on the making and fitting of horse shoes.



S.310  Coal Cutter Pick



Sharpening, grinding or tipping picks, drills or bits.



S.311  Pipeman

Maintaining and extending pipe ranges; dismantling and erecting in new position compressed air and/or water pipes.



S.312  Ropeman

Splicing, capping, maintaining and installing haulage ropes.



S.313  Blacksmith's Striker

Striking for blacksmith, attending fires and generally assisting blacksmith.



S.314  Steel Straightener  

Operating power press for straightening steel.



S.315  Moulder

Making moulds and preparing castings.   



S.316  Pattern Maker

Making patterns in wood; making patterns for brass and iron castings.



S.317  Carpenter (including

             joiner & wheelwright)


General joinery work in shops ; making woodwork of all kinds for building structures.


S.318  Carpenter (semi-skilled)

Capable of only undertaking rough types of joinery work.            



S.319  Mason (including



Laying bricks or prefabricated blocks, building to specification and maintaining fabric.



S.320  Structural Erector

Site assembly of structural steelwork.



S.321  Shaftsman

Examining, maintaining and repairing shafts and shaft fittings.



S.322  Shaftsman Assistant

Assisting shaftsman in shaft repairs and maintenance work of a general semi-skilled character.



S.323  Wagon Repairer

Competent worker (other than those described under the Group name of Fitter, Blacksmith, Joiner, etc.) qualified by apprenticeship, training and/or experience, engaged on the repair and rebuilding of railway wagons.



S.324  Motor Mechanic      

Major overhaul and repairs of motor vehicles and compression ignition engines.



S.325  Garage Mechanic      

Maintaining and repairing motor vehicles, lorries, tractors, etc; repairs of minor character, oiling, greasing, etc.



S.326  Motor Vehicle Driver

Driving motor vehicles, cars, lorry or ambulance car.



S.327  Boat Loader

Loading coal from tubs into boat, barge or ship at quay side by hand tipping.



S.328  Boat Trimmer           

Trimming by hand, coal cargo on a sea going vessel.




W.400 Machinery Inspector

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, regularly engaged on highly skilled examination of precision engineering machines to ensure safe and efficient working.


W.401 Marker Out    

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the marking out from drawings and specifications of metal work to be processed by machinists.


W.402 Machinist

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship engaged on the setting up and machining of metals and working to fine tolerances.


W.403 Turner

Competent turner qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on operating power driven centre or face plate lathe.


W.404 Planer

Competent planer qualified by experience, and/or training operating power driven metal planing machine including setting up.


W.405 Shaper

Setting up and operating power driven, shaping machine.


W.406 Machine Shearer

Operating a power driven metal shearing machine.


W.407 Slotter

Operating power driven metal slotting machine.


W.408 Miller

Competent miller qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on setting up and operating power driven milling machine.


W.409 Driller


Operating single or multi-spindle power driven twist drilling machine.                   

W.410 Radial Drill Operator

Competent radial drill operator qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, operating a power driven radial drilling machine including setting up.


W.411 Horizontal Borer 

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on setting up and operating power driven horizontal boring machine.


W.412 Fixed Head or Vertical


Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship operating a power driven fixed head or vertical boring machine including setting up.


W.413 Screwer

Operating power driven screwing machine.


W.414    Automatic Turret Lathe



Operating automatic turret lathe on repetition work excluding setting up.


W.415 Metal Circular Saw



Operating a power driven metal cutting circular saw.


W.416 Twist Drill Grinder          

Re-sharpening twist drills on power driven grinder.


W.417 Coal Cutter Pick Maker

Operating a power driven machine for the making and re-sharpening of coal cutter picks including hardening and tempering.


W.418 Machine Tool Maker

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the making and repairing of tools for power operated machines.


W.419 Saw Doctor

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the sharpening, setting and repairing of power driven saws and hand saws.


W.420 Tool Room Attendant

Responsible for the receiving, recording and despatch of tools to and from the tool room.


W.421 Structural Fitter

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on fabricating and erecting structural steelwork including marking out to specification.


W.422 Spray Metalliser      

Building up metal parts by metal spraying machine.


W.423 Blacksmith    

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on general smithy work including forging work connected with plant or chains, or heat treatment of drawbars and chains or recapping of ropes, etc.


W.424 Blacksmith's Striker

Striking for blacksmith, attending fires and generally assisting blacksmith.           


W.425 Profile Burner

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on operating profile burning machine.


W.426 Welder

Performing all classes of acetylene or electric welding.


W.427 Butt Welder

Welding of metals using butt welding machine.    


W.428 Brazer

Jointing of metals using brazing compound.


W.429 Burner

Cutting metal by means of acetylene or electric burner.


W.430 Plater

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on assembling metal plate work including marking out the work from drawings and specifications and/or erecting steel structural work.


W.431 Plater's Help

Assembling metal plate work under the supervision of the plater including cutting and bending.


W.432 Springsmith

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on making and repairing loco and wagon springs including case hardening and tempering.


W.433 Steel Arch Straightener

Re-forming steel arches into correct shape using furnace and template.


W.434 Steel Straightener

Operating power press for straightening steel.


W.435 Boiler Smith  

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the construction and/or repair of boilers.


W.436 Guillotine Operator

Cutting of metal plates and sheets by means of power operated guillotine.


W.437 Furnace Operator        

Heating of metal parts prior to bending on hydraulic press.


W.438 Hydraulic Press Operator

Pressing of metal tub bodies by power press.


W.439 Tub Assembler

Assembling pit tubs and mine cars including riveting and bolting and fixation of axles and wheels.


W.440 Wagon Body Repairer

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on dismantling, repairing and reassembling of railway wagons including marking out timber and re-setting brakes.


W.441 Wagon Lifter

Jacking up wagon, removing wheels and re-assembling.


W.442 Cupola Man

Mixing, preparing and smelting of metals for casters.


W.443 Core Maker

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on making cores in sand for moulders.


W.444 Moulder         

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on making metal castings including mould making.


W.445 Castings Fettler

Dressing castings by chipping and grinding.


W.446 Band Sawyer

Fully competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on operating power driven band saw drawing planks from the log.


W.447 Cross Cut Sawyer

Rough sawing of timber into various lengths by power driven and cross cut saws.


W.448 Woodcutting Machinist

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on operating morticing, tenoning, planing and similar machines to produce component parts of wood.


W.449 Pattern Maker

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on making patterns in wood; making patterns for brass and iron castings.


W.450 Joiner

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on doing joinery work in shops making wood work of all kinds for building structures.


W.451 Motor Body Builder

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the fabricating, assembling and/or repairing of motor lorry bodies.


W.452 Boat Builder and Repairer

Repairing canal boats and barges including sawing, joining, machining, caulking and steaming.


W.453 Sign Writer    

Competent painter qualified by training, experience, and/or apprenticeship, engaged on sign writing by hand.


W.454 Painter Decorator

Painting and decorating old and new work including graining, varnishing, stippling, gilding and mixing own colours.


W.455 Coach Painter

Competent painter qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on painting of vehicle bodies by brush.


W.456 Painter

Preparing old and new work and applying one or more simple coats of paint.


W.457 Paint Sprayer           

Competent painter qualified by training and/or experience, painting by using paint spray including finishing coats.


W.458 Spray Hand

Engaged on rough painting by paint spray.


W.459 Electrician     

Competent electrician qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the installation, maintenance, repair and testing of electrical equipment, apparatus and machinery.


W.460 Electrician's Help

Semi-skilled electrical worker engaged on minor repairs and maintenance of electrical equipment and appliances under the supervision of a fully qualified electrician.


W.461 Electric Cable Repairer

Engaged on carrying out repairs to electric cables and their conductors in the shop.


W.462 Cable Repairer and


Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the repair of cores, taping, vulcanising and testing of electric trailing cables.


W.463 Electric Cables Vulcaniser

Vulcanising of electric cables.


W.464 Fitter  

Competent fitter qualified by experience, training, and/or apprenticeship, engaged on maintenance, repair, construction, assembly or installation of mechanical appliances or equipment.


W.465 Semi-skilled Fitter

Semi-skilled fitter engaged on minor repairs and maintenance of mechanical appliances or equipment either with or without supervision.


W.466 Turbine Pump Fitter

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the repairing, dismantling, reassembling and testing of turbine pumps.


W.467 Tin Smith

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship engaged on making and repairing of all types of tin plate work with or without solder.


W.468 Panel Beater

Competent worker qualified by experience, training and/or apprenticeship engaged on the repairing, shaping and modelling by hand of metal panels to specification.


W.469 Mason (including



Laying bricks or prefabricated blocks, building to specification and maintaining fabric.


W.470 Slater 

Competent worker qualified by training, experience and/or apprenticeship, engaged on the roofing and re-roofing of buildings using slates and tiles.


W.471 Plumber

Installing and maintaining gas, hot and cold water supply and sanitary appliances.


W.472 Motor Mechanic

Major overhaul and repair of motor vehicles and compression ignition engines.


W.473 Garage Mechanic      

Maintaining and repairing motor vehicles, lorries, tractors, etc; repairs of minor character, oiling, greasing, etc.


W.474   Motor Vehicle Driver

Driving motor vehicles, cars, lorry or ambulance car.


W.475   Rope Tester           

Strips down sample of wire rope and carries out break and strain tests.


W.476   Saddler       

Making and maintaining leather equipment.


W.477   Knee Pad and Belt



Making knee pads, waist belts, cap lamp belts, etc, from rubber conveyor belting.


W.478  Loco Driver

Driving locomotive in and about workshop premises on standard gauge track.


W.479  Narrow Gauge Loco



Driving locomotive in and about workshop premises on narrow gauge track.


W.480  Loco Fireman

Firing boilers on locomotive under supervision of loco driver.


W.481  Shunter

Marshalling traffic; coupling and uncoupling wagons and operating switches in the circulation of railway wagons and in the marshalling of trains in readiness for despatch.


W.482  Loco Cleaner         

Employed in loco sheds cleaning boilers; cleaning ; filling sand boxes, filling boiler with water, lighting loco fires and getting up steam preparatory to loco being taken out.


W.483 Platelayer      

Laying and maintaining railway tracks.


W.484 Dumper Driver

Operating mechanical dumper.


W.485 Overhead Crane Diver

Driving power operated overhead crane.


W.486 Stationary Crane Driver

Driving stationary power operated jib crane.


W.487 Mobile Crane Driver 

Operating self-propelled mobile crane.


W.488 Manual Crane Driver

Operating stationary or mobile crane by means of hand wheel or hand winch.


W.489 Stoker

Feeding fuel to boiler,           maintaining steam pressure and water level.


W.490 Store Attendant       

Responsible to store keeper for make up of stores issues to collieries and replenishment of stock bins.


W.491 First Aid Room Attendant

Rendering first aid in first aid room and maintaining equipment.


W.492 Watchman

Responsible for the security of workshop premises.


W.493 General Worker (semi-


Performing work of a semi-skilled character which can be done only by a worker who has acquired the degree of skill necessary for the particular job either by training or experience.


W.494 General Worker


Performing work of a general character which can be done by any worker without special skill or experience for the particular job undertaken.


W.495 Office Cleaner         

Cleaning of offices.


W.496 Workshop Cleaner

Cleaning of workshops, engineroom, etc. 


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